Sunday, September 11, 2016

Lessons From a Little Engine

When I first started this blog it was with the intention of sharing my incites and opinions after 37 years out here on the road.
I was under no delusions that I could attract millions of readers or join the ranks of the top bloggers on the internet today or any day.

I did hope however I could attract a large enough readership to make my efforts seem worthwhile.
Slowly but surely that dream is coming true. I’ve wanted to write since I was old enough to string together a sentence. The first story I remember my mother reading to me (there were many others I don’t remember) was “The Little Engine That Could”. It was printed in the farm publication “The Western Producer” back in the early 50′s. Mom cut it out and kept it near my bed. I made her read it to me every night for weeks until the clipping literally wore out. By then, however, we both knew it by heart and I could correct her if she missed a word or a line.
I remember at the age of four or five huddling on a bed in a darkened room with half a dozen cousins, telling wild fantastical stories that I made up as I went along. I have no idea if the stories were actually good. But I was thrilled that my cousins listened so intently and kept encouraging me to go on.
Maybe that’s all any of us need is an audience. Someone to nod their head and encourage us to go on.
I don’t expect everyone to agree with every word I write. Sometimes a difference of opinion can influence or even alter the opinions I hold. Sometimes they only serve to solidify my opinion. Either way the exchange of ideas and opinions is a good thing.
My audience is slowly growing, and I want to share that audience with all of you. Please take a moment to comment on any of my posts.
As much as possible over the years I’ve tried to pattern my life after the Little Engine That Could. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can! I thought I could, I thought could, I thought I could!

PS. I have removed the requirement to register on the blog in order to make a comment. I hope this will encourage more of you to join in the discussion.

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