There are so many different trucking companies out there that the chances of you finding a job you enjoy driving a semi truck is very high. Yet you need to know that these companies all have different recruiting techniques that they use to entice new drivers to sign up with them. It is to your advantage to take a close look at the various trucking companies out there and see what they have to offer you. Since you won’t be comparing apples to apples you need to evaluate each one on an individual basis.
You want to find a trucking company that offers a terminal in your general area. Otherwise you are going to find you have to drive endless miles empty in your own vehicle if you are using a company owned semi truck. If you are an owner operator with your own truck then you will be driving these additional miles in the big rig without pay, and that is quite expensive.
Many of the larger trucking companies have terminals in many locations while the smaller ones may only offer one or two terminals. This will generally be the location where you drop of your paperwork, attend safety meetings, and take care of other essential tasks related to the trucking industry.
The amount of money you will get paid is very important, but you need to evaluate this carefully. Many trucking companies offer a sign on bonus if you agree to a contract of one year or more. This may be payable when you initially start or when you reach the time mark outlined in your contract. You need to find out if you will get paid by the mile or by the hour for your work.
It is important to find out when you will be paid for your work. Some trucking companies pay you a set number of days after you turn in paperwork for a load. Others have set pay dates. You also need to find out if you will get a check or if the funds will be direct deposit. If you are an over the road truck driver the direct deposit option generally works best so you can access funds even when you aren’t in the area.
Inquire about various benefits that the trucking company may offer you. These include health insurance, 401-k plans, and bonuses for attendance and safety. All of these items make up a complete employment package and they are worth investing in. It isn’t a good idea not to have health insurance and you should always have some type of savings plan in the works for your future.
The way dispatch works for different trucking companies can make getting loads a smooth process or it can be a nightmare. Look for a trucking company that has plenty of freight to offer. This way you can deliver your load, call dispatch for another load, and be on your way again. You will be wasting your time and your money if they continually leave you sitting around waiting for a load.
Find out how the company handles time off. You may be offered paid vacation time after you have been with the company for a set period of time. However, you may need to take a couple of days off to deal with issues that have been piling up or for a special occasion. Look for a trucking company to work for that understands these things arise and they are willing to work with you to get your personal needs met.
You also need to inquire about the equipment they operate because it needs to be up to date and safe. Even if you have your own semi truck you will be hauling their trailers so make sure they are well taken care of.
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